Investigative Statement Analysis
This class is now full. No additional registrations are being accepted.
Investigative Statement Analysis is a unique, highly-relevant and validated technology that answers the most puzzling questions investigators are faced with, even in their most challenging cases. Our students not only become highly proficient at detecting deception, but also learn to use the lie against the author to gain confessions. We take a very practical approach to teaching students how the deceptive mind works and to recognize the language strategies people use to lie.
Please see attached flyer: Investigative Statement Analysis
Students must notify the sponsoring training region/provider at least 14 days prior to the training if they are not able to attend the training. If sufficient notification is not provided, your agency may be restricted from receiving future regional POST grant funding (class, scholarship, training equipment) for a period of up to six (6) months. Any penalties issued will be at the sole discretion of the training region boards.
If you have any questions, please contact the Greater Metro Training Region.